
March 13th, 2011 robin Posted in Ironman, Perl Comments Off on Varnish::CLI

Varnish is the cutting edge in reverse proxy for speeding up web services and reducing load on your web application server.  It has a pretty neat CLI for managing a running Varnish instance, but being an interactive telnet interface, it is not so easy to script for…

Some examples why you might want to interface to the Varnish CLI with a script:

  • Automatic reload of configuration file when it changes
  • Purge the cache for a specific website when changes are made (new blog entry, new CSS, …)

And so I wrote up a Perl interface to the Varnish CLI (git repo here).  The module is Moosey, and requires Net::Telnet and Digest::SHA to run.

It’s pretty easy to use – here’s a snippet with which you can purge your cache:

use Varnish::CLI;
my $v = Varnish::CLI->new();
$v->send( "url.purge .*" );

Have fun, and keep your web services zipping with Varnish! 🙂


February 20th, 2011 robin Posted in Ironman, Perl 1 Comment »

Introducing FSpot::DbTool!

F-Spot is a pretty neat photo management application which comes with the Gnome desktop.  I have been using it for a few years to manage my photos, and by now I have over 23,000 photos in it!  It has lots of handy features: tagging, versions, dates… but there are a few things it doesn’t do so well: moving files from one location to another (not all your files, just a sub-section), compacting the database, and I’m sure some more will come to mind!  The database it uses is SQLite – the perfect application for this kind of database!

I’m getting into Moose (a post-modern object system for Perl 5), so this weekend I put together a neat interface to the FSpot database: FSpot::DbTool.  It comes with a command line tool fspot-tool.

Usage: [options]

      Requires: from, to Optional: merge, rename
      Requires: from, to
      Requires: path find_orphans

 --from   Path from
 --to     Path to
 --path   It's a path!
 --merge  Do a merge
 --rename Rename files if necessary

 Move pictures from one directory to another. Does the move on the
 filesystem, and the corresponding move of the path in the FSpot database

 Useful if you have already moved files in your filesystem (e.g. moved
 your entire photo folder to a new location. Will replace all instances
 of a path with a new path


 from = /home/clarkero/my_pictures
 to   = /home/rcl/pictures/processed

 Clean trailing slashes off the end of paths in the database

 Find files which exist in the filesystem, but do not exist in the

 Find orphaned files (files which exist in in the database, but not on
 the filesystem)

 Tag all photos which do not yet have a description

 Confirms you have the correct database version for this script to work

 Make a backup of the database This is carried out automatically for
 move_dir, replace_path and compact_db actions.

 Carries out the SQLite compact function (VACUUM) on the database.

By using Moose::Roles I’ve paved the way for easily adding additional tools for the database – just add them into the lib/FSpot/DbTools directory!

I hope you have fun with FSpot, and find a use for the DbTool.


December 30th, 2010 robin Posted in Ironman, Perl 1 Comment »

Recently I started looking at Chart::OFC2.  It’s a pretty neat module to create Open Flash Chart charts (or more importantly, the data format required for the charts).  One small problem: the y_axis_right option wasn’t completely implemented… but thankfully the creator is also a GitHub user, so I just forked, patched, and posted a pull-request.

If any one wants to get my fork before it’s merged – here you go!