New perl module: Video::Flvstreamer
I’ve just published a new module: Video::Flvstreamer.
It’s a pretty simple wrapper around the command line application flvstreamer. Flvstreamer is a handy tool to record video streams and save the video data as a video file you can play with your favourite video player. There are many websites which have great streaming video content, but if you don’t like watching the video in your browser, or might want to watch it later, you can now use flvstreamer to capture the video.
Video::Flvstreamer can be used to integrate flvstreamer into Perl applications (here getting “Mit Offenen Karten” from Arte):
my $url = "rtmp://"; my $target = "/tmp/Mit_Offenen_Karten.flv"; my $flv = Video::Flvstreamer->new(); $flv->get( $url, $target );
I’m currently working on a Perl clone of Mediathek – a Java application for downloading German public TV shows: Video::Flvstreamer is an integral part of that application.
Video::Flvstreamer has one neat feature improvement on the command line: you can specify the number of times it should try to resume downloading. Connections for downloading a stream can often be disconnected… Now that’s less of a bother! 🙂
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